Hello there is beerland.
We (myself and my girlfriend Lisa) want to know where almost everything we use of buy comes from, always trying to find label that says: produce of Ontario, made in Ontario or at least Canada. We live and shop downtown London as much as we can. Lisa designs and makes her own ladies clothing and accessories known as Weezi, I manage Chancey Smith's bar and restaurant. We both try to support local independent businesses and appreciate the same in return.
While there is good beer brewed all around the world and I really enjoy finding and sampling every good example of well made brew, it gives me always the greatest pleasure to find something new and exciting brewed here in Ontario. Here is one example:
When Shortly after I started working in Chancey Smith's I met Bob Hanenberg owner of Grand River Brewing in Cambridge, Ontario and eventually met Rob Creighton the brewmaster and great craft beer enthusiast extraordinaire and Jane Southgate who makes sure there is money left to pay taxman!

Don't just take my word for it. Next time you want to do something fun, get in the car and head to Cambridge to visit the brewery and try if for your self, you will be glad you did. You can buy supplies for home, too!
And if you don't want to drive, come to Chancey Smith's and try it there.
So many beer and so little time